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Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Humor: Peraturan Aneh

Walau kitab hukum dan perundangan dibuat dengan serius, ternyata ada juga yang isinya unik, lucu dan konyol.

Dilarang keluar rumah tanpa mengenakan celana dalam. (ketauan pake ngga pakenya gimana dong?)

Untuk mengurangi tingkat kemacatan lalu lintas kota Manila , ditetapkan bahwa : Kendaraan bernomor akhir 1 atau 2 tidak diizinkan beroperasi di hari Senin.
Sedangkan angka 3 & 4 tidak boleh di hari Selasa, 5 & 6 tidak boleh di hari Rabu, 7 & 8 tidak boleh di hari Kamis, 9 & 0 tidak boleh di hari Jumat. Peraturan ini berlaku sejak pukul 07.00 pagi setiap harinya.

a. Dilarang berkebun di hari minggu. Alasannya : BERISIK!!!
b. Walau warga Swiss dilarang menjual, membeli, menyelundupkan, dan memproduksi minuman beralkohol, tapi mereka diizinkan untuk mengkonsumsinya.

Dilarang mengecat rumah tanpa ijin dari pemerintah dan harus menggunakan cat yang sudah mendapat sertifikat / ijin dari pemerintah.

Para polisi wajib melaporkan jumlah uang suap yang mereka terima dari para pengendara yang mereka tilang.

a. Dilarang menjual Permen karet di Singapura.
b. Dilarang berjalan tanpa busana (bugil)
c. Tidak menyiram setelah buang air di toilet, dapat dikenakan denda.
d. Jika Anda tertangkap basah meludah sebanyak 3X, Anda diwajibkan membersihkan jalan di hari Minggu dengan menenteng tulisan di dada “I am
a. Litterer” (Saya seorang Peludah)
e. Dilarang pipis di dalam lift / elevator. (YA IYAAAALAAAAHHHH>>>GILA APA PIPIS DI LiFT)

a. Dilarang menjual sayuran di hari minggu (kecuali wortel).
b. Wanita dilarang makan coklat di tempat umum.
c. Mengambil barang yang dibuang, dapat diancam hukuman Pidana Terorisme.

a. Wanita yang bekerja di kantor pemerintahan dilarang mengenakan rok mini atau pakaian yang dapat “memprovokasi” rekan kerja selama jam> kerja.
b. Dilarang memaki di tempat umum.

a. Pria yang mengenakan rok mini di tempat umum dikenakan hukuman kurungan.(YA IYALAAAAH>>>ANEH SOALNYA….)
b. Memukul orang dengan kepalan tangan diancam hukum pidana penganiayaan. Tapi menghajar orang dengan meja dan kursi dapat dianggap membela diri.( Gila… trus apa bedanya????? ?)

a. Anak-anak berusia di atas 18 tahun (dibawah 21) dilarang membeli rokok, tapi diizinkan merokok.
b. Dilarang mengangkat telepon pada deringan pertama.(KENAPA DILARANG SIIIH…GA PENTING)
c. Hanya Petugas Listrik berizin yang boleh mengganti lampu rumah.
d. Dilarang mengenakan celana Hot Pink di hari minggu. (huahahahaha. ..)

Dilarang mengenakan topi di stadium olahraga, karena dapat mengganggu pandangan orang lain.

Hanya anak cerdas yang boleh kuliah (dan ini harus bisa dibuktikan dengan ijazah ujian Negara yang diterimanya) .

a. Dilarang mencopot plester luka di tempat umum.
b. Dilarang menyirami tananam di kebun saat sedang hujan.
c. Dilarang pipis di semua tempat di Kanada (kecuali toilet rumah Anda sendiri). (trus kalo kebelet gimana? aneh deh…)
d. Dilarang memanjat pohon.

a. Dilarang berciuman di kereta bawah tanah.
b. Dilarang menamai babi peliharaan Anda “Napoleon”. (MAKSA DEH AAAAH….)

a. Dilarang memelihara babi di tanah Israel . Orang yang melakukannya akan ditembak mati. (sadis euy..)
b. Dilarang ngupil di hari Sabat (Sabtu / Minggu). (rupanya ngupil juga perlu istirahat pas weekend )
c. Dilarang naik sepeda, kecuali punya izin mengendarai sepeda.

a. Pemerintah Arizona melarang para pemburu melakukan aktivitas pemburuan onta di Arizona. (Masalahnya : Onta tidak hidup / tidak ada di Arizona. Lalu buat apa memberlakukan undang-undang itu? *bingung*)
b. Dilarang menirukan gaya Pendeta / Pastor setempat.
c. Dilarang mengendarai mobil tanpa sepatu.
d. Dilarang bermain domino di hari Minggu.
e. Dilarang memakai kumis palsu di gereja.
f. Hukuman mati diberlakukan bagi siapapun yang menaburkan garam di atas rel kereta api.
g. Dilarang mengendarai mobil dengan mata tertutup.

a. Dilarang memfoto beruang yang lagi tidur.
b. Dilarang mengikat anjing peliharaan di atas kap / atap mobil.
c. Dilarang memberi minum bir pada rusa.
d. Dilarang berjalan-jalan sambil membawa busur dan anak panah.

a. Pria diizinkan memukuli istrinya, tapi tidak boleh lebih dari 1 kali sebulan. (WHAT??!!)
b. Dilarang memelihara buaya di dalam bathtub. (idiiih…. Siapa juga yg mau????)
c. Pria dan wanita yang ketahuan saling menggoda di tengah jalan, akan dikenakan 30 hari penjara.
d. Dilarang membawa sapi berjalan-jalan di jalan utama setelah lewat jam 1 dini hari di hari Minggu.

a. Binatang peliharaan dilarang dibiarkan berhubungan intim di sekitar lokasi sekolah, taman, dan tempat ibadah.
b. Wanita dilarang mengendarai mobil mengenakan daster.
c. Mobil tanpa pengemudi dilarang ngebut di jalan.(YA IAYALAAAAAAAAAAH)
d. Dilarang bersepeda di kolam renang. (APALAGI INI…)
e. Dilarang mengenakan sepatu boot koboi, kecuali Anda memelihara sapi minimal 2 ekor.
f. Dilarang memelihara binatang berwarna hijau dan berbau menyengat.
g. Dilarang bermain bowling di trotoar.

a. Dilarang berdebat dengan polisi, kecuali kendaraan Anda dihentikan olehnya.
b. Dilarang mendirikan bangunan di tengah jalan. (YA IYALAAAH…GILA APA…????)

a. Dilarang mengendarai sepeda dengan kecepatan lebih dari 90 km / jam.
b. Pria dilarang mencium istrinya di hari Minggu. (ANEEEH…SIRIK AJAH…)
c. Mobil pemadam kebakaran tidak diizinkan ngebut lebih dari 40 km /jam, walau sedang menuju ke lokasi kebakarang sekalipun.
d. Penata rias / kecantikan dilarang bersiul, berdendang, ataupun bernyanyi saat melayani pelanggan.

a. Konstitusi Negara menjamin babi-babi hamil bebas dari ancaman penjara, untuk tindakan apapun yang mereka lakukan.
b. Denda akan diberikan pada wanita yang tertidur saat rambutnya di-hairdryer, kecuali dia adalah pemilik salon.
c. Dilarang bernyanyi di depan umum sambil mengenakan pakaian renang.
d. Dilarang kentut di tempat umum setelah jam 6 sore.
e. Dilarang memecahkan piring dan gelas lebih dari 3 buah sehari.

a. Dilarang menyapa orang sambil ngupil.
b. Dilarang mengenakan sandal setelah lewat jam 10 malam.
c. Pria dilarang keluar dengan mengenakan jaket dan celana yang gak matching.(WHAT… ??? KALO LAGI GAK MODE SERBA MATCHING GMANA???)
d. Pria dilarang keluar rumah topless (tidak mengenakan baju atasan). (FYI : Ini adalah hukum tertua di New York karena telah diberlakukan sejak tahun 1900.)
e. Dilarang menyeruput sup.
f. Dilarang makan sambil berenang di lautan. (KITA SIH UDAH TAUUUUU….)

a. Dilarang menyusui anak di tempat umum..
b. Dilarang menari dan minum di waktu bersamaan.

Sabtu, 30 April 2011

20 Bintang porno jepang tercantik…mantab gan..

Maria ozawa
Juara bertahan, cantik luar dalam, begitulah komentar orang-orang yang sudah melihat videonya….. hahahaha

Kedua, sara tsukigami

Haruna yabuki

Saki seto

Hime kamiya

Reon kadena

Mihiro taniguchi

Natsuki kumada

Sora aoi

Siori yokoi


Ran azakawa

Miyuki kamiya
wah, saudara yang di atas ya? nama belakangnya sama…. :D

Rie fukaumi

Takako kitahara

Ryoko mitake

Reina matsushima

Akane sakura

Erika sato

Yua aida

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

ABG toket gede – Indo ABG toket gede

Feb 03 2011
Some people loves Indo ABG toket gede, actualy ABG toket gede is part of a top KW (read:Keyword) and many lendir blogger aiming this KW. Including me researching a good market is my project to goal and of course the benefit is a good visitor.
ABG toket gede - Indo ABG toket gede occIGQipFbs ABG toket gede - Indo ABG toket gede TQoWH_mrBcI ABG toket gede - Indo ABG toket gede lygDm-onFnk ABG toket gede - Indo ABG toket gede TQoW8vN3b9I
Good visitor is a good income, many master tell it visitor = $, course to achieve this requires a struggle which arguably is not smal. Like this KW example ABG toket gedde – indo abg toket gede. I need to optimize this KW for a good on any SE SERP for getting a good visitor. Every blogger has its own way to make this a good thing, depending on science and research conducted.
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Foto Jennifer Kurniawan Panas | Jennifer Pacar Ifan Bachdim

Jan 14 2011
May i have to late expose this Foto Jennifer Kurniawan Panas as much people call as Jennifer Pacar Ifan Bachdim. Want to know a last new this cewek with toket gede? Enthusiasm gives encouragement to her boyfriend, who also stars Persema, Irfan Bachdim.  Jenifer who have amazing toket gede preached the message for the first time in the stadium. In his Twitter account that he later wrote, “I Stand Alone 0-1. Persema! Sad, indeed and that’s what I felt at the head of Indonesia’s national team, currently playing Persema Malang, Irfan Bachdim.
Foto Jennifer Kurniawan Panas | Jennifer Pacar Ifan Bachdim TP3T3aYyuAI Foto Jennifer Kurniawan Panas | Jennifer Pacar Ifan Bachdim TP3SVkhezNI Foto Jennifer Kurniawan Panas | Jennifer Pacar Ifan Bachdim TP3T3ulEaxI Foto Jennifer Kurniawan Panas | Jennifer Pacar Ifan Bachdim s400/ee51ff9aabe79e72d6d8cb2.jpg
(Day of the hardest in my life), “writes a man with Arab blood, Indonesia and the Netherlands in Twitter account. In an interview with the television media, full of women named Jennifer Jasmin Kurniawan said very happy if a career in Indonesia. However, you must complete all works contracts in Germany before returning to Indonesia. Jennifer, a model often appears “hot” back to Germany after spending several weeks in Indonesia to directly support Irfan AFF Cup 2010, December.
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cewek HOT toket gede, Ajib!!

Dec 23 2010
The idea of approaching a cewek seksi cantik, and try to start a conversation, because the average man feel anxious and fearful. There are proven techniques, but you can use to cewek hot toket gede a part of the joy of the daily routine. It is very important for you to manage this aspect of their feeling to immediately start because obviously not sleep with beautiful gadis perawan abg until you have the opportunity to get closer and things started, right?  One of the abg bugil telanjang to have that many men seem to hang, and it is very common fear of rejection by a gadis perawan. And that fear prevents you take the trouble to approach a woman, if you feel any nerves crawl.
Let me share with you four keys to approach women that will help you to know new girls regularly:
1. Be aware of how you breathe. If people nervous men and women can be playing with cewek telanjang, their breathing is also changing. And what a chain of events triggers on his body and then when the nerves really hit. If you feel good, not cewek bugil approach for nothing. Calm down and breathe deeply checked if you feel nervous – that is to stop “chain reaction” can occur and in a state of relaxation when approaching wanita toket gede and toket montok.
2. Also keep in mind your body language – in particular wants to go as an alpha male. So how exactly is the alpha male on foot? With a relaxed, sit straight and a soft cloth. Works very fast and seems impatient or even a little nervous. Maintain eye contact and smile – never drop your shoulders and look down at his toket telanjang bugil, because that is the opposite of alpha male behavior. None of these things make you attractive cewek hot toket gede to walk the approach.
3. Breaking the cold situation with a smile. to “create” The most effective way your approach is to eye contact with the child and tell you to make a smile with cewek ABG seksi toket gede. Change of smiles, then you have a green light for its approach and start to interact without feeling weird or uncomfortable. This also ensures that no panic if you suddenly come to her about everything.
4. Do not use a “line” to start the conversation with a starter. Pick up lines do not work because the transmission of the fact that you are sexually interested in cewek bugil, cewek telanjang, before you know anything about you. There are dozens of open-field test, which you can use – will open as the opening of direct, indirect, open opener of the situation and the views cewek hot toket gede, ajib!!-which are designed for girls is about fun and enjoyable activity rather than something that causes fear and anxiety.
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cEwek ABG seksi punya toket geDe

Dec 20 2010
Can you good definition and sense of romance especially to this cewek abg seksi punya toket gede? It is colorful and of course very risky if not handled properly. Love is not secured and constantly evolving. So if you forget your beloved friend and loves cewek seksi cantik what you do love? You should enjoy life to the last drop. Not that the life they lead to bleeding. Therefore, you need a radical solution to take part in a race to win the hearts of the cewek ABG toket gede montok on earth. Wow! Will there be a war very dangerous and destructive?
To be honest, not the whims of pitch bend. You need to show your manhood and chivalry to victory over cewek telanjang rivals and should undefeated. You have to plan it. You have a brain and intelligence. Please use your brain awake and try to map plans and programs to develop clearly dominated his opponent to rock toket telanjang bugil. Are you confused how to proceed? Art has to win lasting love to spell. Would you like to gain a clear idea and the idea compared to a lot of love?
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Well let me tell you that from the beginning of society how to attract with this gadis perawan abg who have toket gede montok, our great ancestor different types of activities, the magic witchcraft, black magic, hypnotize vision and practiced occult arts. attracts love spells are very famous because of the complete security to seduce the gadis perawan. How to return their loss, his partner in the hands of someone? Please use the technical drawing love spells. The method is very powerful psychic love spell on cewek telanjang lover has entirely changed. The cewek bugil who saw him two years ago, will ask for your forgiveness.
They fell in love and the pleasure to know that cewek telanjang lover sexy blonde hair was back to you. It is good news for you. If you are not very effective in spells for love of his who have toket gede and toket montok lost love are cast come to mind, you should consult a professional who has extensive experience and know-how to the high-rated love spells start going her lover. You must carefully lost in learning the process of obtaining a lover. You must take care and dedication to gain control over this issue. You need to win the iron will of the romantic tug of war. You should know that natural objects responsible for the current zeitgeist and dynamic. If the vibrations and the inner spirit that runs through the natural aspects of nature. When you conjure Wicca competent and well, you get a full warranty on your ex-lover to win and got abg bugil telanjang front of you.
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foto cewek ter-cantik di Dunia versi TC Candler

Dec 15 2010
Many cewek cantik list published by various organizations and media. Several magazines and websites, to celebrate each year and to negotiate an internal investigation to determine who is the most cewek cantik dan seksi in the world compete. TC Candler is one of them.
Since 1990 this site regularly publishes a list of critical annual list of the 100 independent foto cewek tercantik di dunia. Exceptionally, the selection of cewek cantik was not based on the investigation and is not based on the popularity of the celebrities. They claim that this list is a compilation of hundreds of cewek cantik seksi worldwide, name, contains different than the other list which usually only the names of Hollywood stars.
foto cewek ter-cantik di Dunia versi TC Candler 2748 foto cewek ter-cantik di Dunia versi TC Candler img406 foto cewek ter-cantik di Dunia versi TC Candler img442 foto cewek ter-cantik di Dunia versi TC Candler img442
So if it is not on the list of the 100 version TC Candler surprisingly foto cewek tercantik di dunia often are the names and faces are well known. It is understandable that a celebrity, the “number two” of countries such as India, Russia, Israel, and so come on.
This year for the first time a Asian girls model from Korean who entered. Song Hye Gyo is who is at the age of Indonesia known for his role in the television series Full House. Song Hye Gyo position 18, which is higher than Megan Fox is still ranked 64th Is only. Song Hye Gyo Belle presented as a “perfect “, and maybe you can add your name in the top 10 for next year
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Indo cewek seksi Hot | Toket panas cewek cantik

Dec 06 2010
Something else that shows that Indo cewek seksi Hot Toket panas cewek cantik, what they are. There are a number of cewek seksi cantik toket gede attractive images, which are called the indo panas cewek seksi toket hot are considered. Also hot and sexy photos are Pica, public appearances and interactions between cewek cewe seksi toket gede muantap testimony to the fact that girls are more likely than girls in Asia to other continents, if not more, in some moments.
Indo cewek seksi Hot | Toket bugil panas cewek IWe8TeCOmpc Indo cewek seksi Hot | Toket bugil panas cewek IwwDHq1xXZI Indo cewek seksi Hot | Toket bugil panas cewek fqjuAnCGS5E Indo cewek seksi Hot | Toket bugil panas cewek NmZPIgJtEOw
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cewek cewe seksi toket gede muantap

Dec 03 2010
Let the hot cewek cewe seksi toket gede muantap. Do you know the sexy cewek cewe seksi toket gede muantap on the Internet? Are not they hot? Not very sexy photos? Again, there was been much discussed. There was almost no one, the fact that girls are in Asia to deny incredibly beautiful. In any case, look for simple, sometimes due to lack of cewek cantik seksi of their own beauty, so you can easily switch to the crowd.
cewek cewe seksi toket gede muantap CmtyowfU4Ik cewek cewe seksi toket gede muantap abg+pamer+toket+susu+hot+10.jpg cewek cewe seksi toket gede muantap abg+pamer+toket+susu+hot+12.jpg cewek cewe seksi toket gede muantap ep6mzSXp_kI
Things are not so, and can say so if they can leave their stereotypes about cewek cewe seksi toket gede muantap. One can assume that the toket gede montok is not like cewek cantik curved. This is because Asian girls have a different physique. However, cewek seksi cantik have beautiful, clear skin and shiny hair is more than enough to compensate for her lack of curves. He also noted that if the average, women are not beautiful sensuous curves, the most foto cewe ABG montok tOket Gede have curves and appealing to a different aspect if it is not like hot asian Japanese girl.